Steves lunch diner hyde park lake park Keller Family Collection

5529 S. Lake Park in 1935 from the Keller Family Collection

When our Headquarters was a Lunch Diner…

Beginning about 1898, through 1952, the building was operated as a short order restaurant by members of the Keller family, particularly Turney Keller. Later, it was the home of “Steve’s Lunch.” operated by a Steve Megales, a Greek Immigrant. According to Clyde Watkins, a founder of the Hyde Park Historical Society, the breakfast special featured two eggs, bacon, potatoes, toast and coffee and cost $.42. By 1974 the lunch room had closed and the building was being used as a storage shed for the two-wheeled carts used for delivering newspapers. The building was clearly headed for ruin.

Read more about Steve’s Lunch Diner in old Hyde Park Historical Society Newsletters:

Spring-Summer 1997 Edition Summer-Fall 1997 Edition