Sibling Revelry: The Poetry of Anara Guard and Gay Guard-Chamberlin (Zoom Video)

The Hyde Park Book Club hosted this event on Monday, January 17, 2022

Sisters Gay Guard-Chamberlin (Red Thread through a Rusty Needle) and Anara Guard (Hand on My Heart), have been performing their poetry together as Sibling Revelry since they debuted their poetry collections in 2019. They are daughters of long-time legendary Hyde Park resident Sam Guard.

Anara Guard is a poet and fiction writer who grew up in Chicago and now lives in Sacramento. Her poems have won the John Crowe Ransom Poetry Prize from Kenyon College and other awards. She has a Master’s degree in library science from Simmons University, Boston. Her short story collection, Remedies for Hunger, was named a best book of 2015 by the Chicago Book Review. Anara’s debut novel, Like a Complete Unknown, set in Chicago in 1969, will be released in March of 2022.

Gay Guard-Chamberlin is an award-winning poet who lives in the Devon neighborhood of Chicago. She is a visual and performance artist with a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Arts from Columbia College, Chicago. Gay’s poetry has been published in multiple poetry and literary magazines. Many of her poems have won both local and national competitions. Gay teaches poetry and art to children and adults and edits manuscripts. Her first book of poetry is Red Thread Through a Rusty Needle.

Their books can be purchased from New Wind Publishing at a special 10% discount for attendees of the Hyde Park Book Club by using this code at checkout: 4VQWS3QE


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