Recruiting for New HPHS Board Members

On November 6, 2020, the Hyde Park Historical Society (HPHS) will hold an election of Officers and Board Members for the 2-year term: 2021 & 2022. Our plan is to submit the slate of Officers and Board Members to our current board at the November Meeting, that will be held on November 17th.The next several years promise to be exciting ones for our board, and we are now in the process of recruiting new board members to join our existing board. It is our hope that the HPHS will continue to have a positive impact on the Hyde Park Community. The Board of Directors plays a central role in this important work. A primary responsibility of board directors is to participate in the development of policy and major decision-making at board meetings held monthly (and currently via Zoom). Other key responsibilities are to be active on an ongoing basis in at least one committee of the board, and to ensure that the organization has the resources that it needs to fulfill its mission.Based on your experience and involvement, if you are interested in joining our board, please send us your email and we will send you a Prospective Board Member Information Sheet. The deadline for returning the Board Member Information Sheets will be Friday, October 30th.Serving on the board is a rewarding experience and an opportunity for personal and professional growth. We look forward to having you join us.Regards,Janice A. Knox, HPHS Vice President / Nominating Committee Chair –Email: VicePresident@hydeparkhistory.orgGary Ossewaarde, HPHS Secretary / Nominating Committee Co-ChairJack Spicer, HPHS Preservation Chair / Nominating Committee Co-Chair HPHS BOARD MEMBER INFO


HPHS Presents A Virtual Tour Policy King


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