Chicago: A Civic, Industrial, and Familial History by Andrew Taylor Call Book Discussion & Signing

Sunday, December 9th, 11 am to 2 pm 5529 Lake Park Blvd Light Refreshments will be served Copies of the new book will be for sale and the author will be available to sign copies.A new book, Chicago: A Civic, Industrial, and Familial History, by attorney and historian Andrew Taylor Call, will be the focus of the Hyde Park Historical Society’s December 9 program. Call, whose family were among the founders of Illinois, Chicago, and the surrounding metropolitan region, has deep roots in Hyde Park, Woodlawn, and Kenwood, among other communities within the old Hyde Park Township of Chicago. The new book contains the family history of the author in and around Chicago, and includes many forgotten histories of nearly every part of the city, including the North Side, South Side, and West Side. Call’s family contained at least thirty-three different branches in and around Chi-cago, with people residing in almost every part of the city. Call will discuss multiple subjects from his new book that center on Hyde Park, Woodlawn, Kenwood, and the South Side in general, including the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, the construction technologies of the 1893 World’s Fair, the social and civic development of Jackson Park, the early Pullman community, and some general history about the family history in Chicago. Call’s family has resided in Illinois since 1804, and has resided in Chicago and the surrounding metropolitan region for eight generations.


Andrew Taylor Call Discusses Book


HP Book Club Monday, November 19, 2018