HPHS Book Club Monday, January 16

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Next Meetings:

Monday, January 16, 2017 Ted Anton, author of Eros, Magic and the Murder of Professor Culianu will join us to continue the fascinating discussion we started in Octo-ber. Please be prepared to raise any unanswered questions from the October meet-ing. Since October was awhile ago, I have attached the book information. Monday, February 20, 2017 Megan E. Doherty & Jasmine Kwong, authors of the photo essay: If You Weren't Looking For It: The Seminary Co-op Bookstore will be joining us along with current and former Co-op managers Jeff Deutsch and Jack Cella. We're hoping for a lively discussion about not only the Seminary Co-op, but about the other legendary book-sellers in Hyde Park. If You Weren't Looking For It is available exclusively from the Seminary Co-op and 57th Street Books. You can also order it online from the Seminary Co-op web-site:

https://www.semcoop.com/if-you-werent-looking-it-seminary-co-op-bookstore Hyde Park Book Club Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30pm in the Treasure Island lower level meeting room. A bibliography was handed out at the meeting and is included for those who were not present. Michal Safar - Hyde Park Historical Society Allison Hartman - Chicago Hyde Park Village

The club is jointly sponsored by the Hyde Park Historical Society and Chicago Hyde Park Village.

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Culianu Biography & Bibliography

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Non Fiction

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Culianu Biography & Bibliography

Ioan Petru Culianu or Couliano (5 January 1950 – 21 May 1991) was a Romanian historian of religion, culture, and ideas, a philosopher and political essayist, and a short story writer. He served as professor of the history of religions at the University of Chicago from 1988 to his death. Culianu was born in Iaşi. He studied at the University of Bucharest, then traveled to Italy where he was granted political asylum while attending lectures in Perugia in July 1972. He later graduated from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He lived briefly in France and the Netherlands, before leaving Europe for Chicago, in the United States. There, after a stint as visiting professor, he became a professor at the University of Chicago. He took a Ph.D. at the University of Paris IV in January 1987, with the thesis Recherches sur les dualismes d'Occident. Analyse de leurs principaux mythes ("Research into Western Dualisms. An Analysis of their Ma-jor Myths"), coordinated by Michel Meslin.

Having completed three doctorates and being proficient in six languages, Culianu specialized in Renaissance magic and mysticism. He became a friend, and later the literary executor, of Mircea Eliade, the famous historian of religions. He also wrote fiction and political articles.

Books in English

Out of this World: Otherworldly Journeys from Gilgamesh to Albert Einstein

Culianu, Ioan P.

The Eliade Guide to World Religions

Mircea Eliade, Ioan P. Culianu, Hillary S. Wiesner

Eros and Magic in the Renaissance

Culianu, Ioan P.; Cook, Margaret; Couliano, Ioan P.


Eros, Magic and the Murder of Professor Culianu

Anton, Ted

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HPHS Annual Holiday Party


Hyde Park Historical Society Open House