An Afternoon Outing with the Hyde Park Historical Society


Saturday, October 15, 2016

An Afternoon Outing with the Hyde Park Historical Society

To Union Pier and Lakeside, Michigan

Our destination: the two inns restored by the late Dev Bowly (a founder and longtime supporter of the historical society). The area has long been a second-home mecca for Hyde Parkers, including many University of Chicago faculty members.We hope to enlist several drivers who will leave Hyde Park at about 10 a.m. We will gather at the Lakeside Inn at noon (Chicago time) for a box lunch and short talks on local architecture, natural history, and social fabric. From there, we will briefly tour the area, with a stop at the Gordon Beach Inn in neighboring Union Pier. We expect to return to Hyde Park by 6.For those who wish to stay over, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Lakeside Inn (for the bargain price of $70).Will you join us? Can you drive?Please let us know by September 15.Questions? Call or e-mail HPHS program chair Ruth Knack 312-720-7037;


Hyde Park Historical Society Open House


ETHAN MICHAELI Author of: The Defender: How the Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America