History of Hyde Park by A.T. Andreas

History of Cook County/History of Hyde Park by A.T. Andreasby A.T. AndreasBOUNDARIES AND EXTENT The act of incorporation approved February 20 1861 separated the town of Hyde Park from the town of Lake and made the town of Hyde Park to comprise all of fractional Sections 2 I1 12 13 24 the east half of Sections 3 r0 15 22 27 34 all of Sections 14 23 25 26 35 36 in Township 38 north Range r4 east also fractional Sections I9 29 3o 32 and Section 31 all in Township 38 north Range 15 east any of the territory herein described that heretofore formed part of the town of Lake forms no part thereof by this act etc. This territory was the district bounded by Thirty ninth Street on the north by Grand Boulevard or South Park Avenue on the west by Lake Michigan on the east and by Eighty seventh Street on the south Under the amended charter of March 5 1367 the town of Hyde Park embraced all that part of Township 38 north Range 14 east lying east of the west line of Sections 3 r0 r5 2 27 34 all of Township 38 north Range 15 east also all that part of Township 37 north Range r4 east lying east of the west line of Sections 3 r0 i5 22 27 34 also all of Township 37 Andreas History of Hyde Park


vol.37 number 3 Summer 2015


Lincoln’s Hyde Park